Whether you’re from Wisconsin or not, when you move to campus you will quickly realize that you must become accustomed to all types of weather throughout the year. That being said, you can use these seasons to your advantage in order to bond with your friends and experience some of the best part of the UW-Madison campus. In my opinion, one of the best ways to do this is by spending time on our beautiful Lake Mendota.
Here are three things that I have done on the lake that have really made me love my school even more:
1.Tanning on the lake
Soaking up some rays on the dock is one of the best parts of UW-Madison during the warm months. Also, the ice cream stand is only a minute walk away.
2. Going out on the lake
The first activity that I ever did with kids from my dorm was go paddle boarding with them. Whether you’re paddle boarding, sailing, or canoeing, this is a great way to spend time with others and get to know them.
3. Skating on the frozen lake
Madison in the winter is really cold. But, this doesn’t stop the students from banding together to brace the cold as they go to take pictures on the ice, have snowball fights, play ice hockey, and just have a good time.
Overall, Lake Mendota has created so many of my friendships and I look forward to going to the lake every time of year.