College life is not easy. It is quite common for students to bounce back and forth to classes, residence halls and libraries. Once you are accepted to the college, you will soon find out that there are endless assignments that need to be completed. You might stay up late finishing essays before the deadline. When studying for the final exams late at night, do you always feel hungry?

As studying involves using more nervous system, you probably need to take some snacks and consume more glucose. But what if the dining hall is closed and food sold in the vending machine is not healthy? Keeping an electric pot in your dorm room is necessary:
- Serving you with hot food during the cold wintertime. In Madison, the cold season can last for nearly 5 months, from November to March. Heating the water and boiling instant noodles by using the electric hot pot, a hot noodle soup that not only helps dispel the coldness but also fight off the hunger can be made within minutes.
- Having multi-functions that can help you prepare snacks as well as regular meals. Cooking in the dorm’s kitchen or eating in the dining hall can be relatively time-consuming, because you have to walk to a different floor or even a different building. However, with the electric hot pot, you can study in the dorm room and make boiled eggs, oatmeals, or porridges simultaneously, having nutritional food with improved working efficiency.
- Including safety features, the electric hot pot makes your experience of cooking in the dorm safely.