Within your first few days of being at UW-Madison, you will immediately notice a noisy, highly-active nightlife, and as exciting and entertaining as that environment may be, nights out in Madison can be equally as intimidating and overwhelming. Some people are built for a wild night on the town, I, however, am not. Now before I get categorized as a lame college student who should consider transferring from the number one party school in America, humor me for just a few seconds.
In preparation for your night out on the town, I recommend you take the following steps…Gather up to 8-10 of your most adventurous friends. This is the most critical part; you need to be very strategic in selecting who is worthy of joining you on this adventure. Next, it is very important to have a full and happy tummy prior to embarking on this adventure. I suggest either sweet potato fries from Roast or a slice of Ian’s: a classic! Are you ready for me to tell you how you will be spending the next 60 minutes of your life? The moment we’ve all been waiting for…Type this address into your GPS: 6527 Normandy Ln #203, Madison, WI 53719. You will soon arrive to Escape in Time – Escape Rooms, where your patience will be tested and your heart will probably be arrested (in the best way possible). Of all the escape rooms I’ve attempted, I have yet to beat the clock and get away unscathed. And yes, I just challenged you. Will you accept?