It’s simple- take Environmental Studies 101! Taught by Thea Whitman, this two credit, low time commitment, 180-person class is perfect for environmental enthusiasts and non-STEM majors alike. No prior environmental expertise needed!

Step 1: Go to Class!
If you want to avoid listening to the same teacher day in and day out, this is the class for you. Each week, a new guest lecturer is brought in to talk about an environmental issue in their respected field. Topics ranged from sustainable waste management to overpopulation.
Step 2: Make a Difference!
By the end of each class, I learned not only more about the environmental issue at hand, but of changes I could be making in my everyday life to create a positive impact. Hands-on extra credit opportunities were also available, such as the “Arboretum Work Party”, where students could volunteer for a grade boost or simply out of their love for planet Earth.
Step 3: Spread the Knowledge!
Once the end of the semester rolled around, I was much more aware of environmental issues that I didn’t even know existed! For example, did you know that at one point, New York City’s poor waste management techniques resulted in a trash barge that floated along the East coast for months? This was until it was shipped off to South America. If you would like to know what YOU can do to prevent this and other issues, I highly recommend taking this class. Although not available in the Fall of 2019, I took it in the Spring, and it should be available again then!