Home to Dorm: Everything you need to get from home to dorm

Finding the perfect person to live with, the perfect sheets to sleep on and figuring out how to organize all your things into a dorm can be tough. I’m here to share a few insightful tips I have picked up along the way.

-How to find your perfect match: Sure, you may have shared a hallway with your annoying little brother, or slept above your parents’ room, but most incoming freshmen have not had to deal with sharing a (tiny) space with someone for an extended period of time. Tip #1: Remember, you are crammed into a ‘box’- it does not need to be filled with heat so DO NOT create any. 

-Maintaining your friendship:Tip #2:Be considerate of how the other person may feel- In ALL aspects. Your needs may be different, and your pet peeves may not align. Address these things before hand, to avoid unnecessary conflicts. 

-Be cognisant- you are SHARING space:Leave things that way you found them or would’ve liked to find them. Tip #3: If you’re sharing a bathroom and the sink is clean, and the toilet seat is up- when you walk outof the bathroom, make sure it looks the same way. It only takes an extra minute to do

Tip #4: Last but not least, If you finish something, REPLACE it. Paper Towel, Toilet Paper, your roommate’s shampoo, or a pack of gum. Doesn’t matter what it is, common courtesy is taking over. 

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