Freshman year is hard. Learning to study while leaving time for friends, yourself, work, and your adult chores isn’t easy. Luckily, the Planta app is there to take the stress of plant care off of your mind; plant time can be you time again, and you’ll never forget to water another plant.

Planta is free to download on IOS devices with IOS 11.0 or later.
All of your Plants’ Watering Schedules in One Place
Planta’s expansive database generates a watering timeline fitted to each of your plants and sends you a push notification when it’s time to water them. Think your plant doesn’t need water just yet? Just snooze it, and Planta will send you another reminder in 2 days. And if you’re not happy with Planta’s watering schedule, you can customize your own!

View your daily tasks at the top of the Plant Care tab. To get more detailed information about which plants need watering and to tell the app which plants you’ve watered, tap on the red button underneath the summary of your daily tasks.
Plant Information

Planta provides extensive information about your plants on the Info tab of their ID pages, which can be found on the My Plants tab. You’ll find information about how and when to water, light requirements, fertilizing guidelines, humidity and temperature preferences, growing season, etc.
Planta Premium
I find Planta to be amazing as is, but if you’re looking for more support consider Planta Premium. Planta Premium is a paid subscription that offers plant identification technology, fertilizing and repotting reminders, among other things.
Happy Planting!