There is one thing that is absolutely imperative to having a good college experience. It’s not expensive and anyone can get it. The most important thing you need to bring with you to college is a sense of adventure. Now you might think I’m being cheesy, but hear me out. Stepping out of your comfort Read More…
Category: Unit 3
Face wash: Essential to Any College Kid’s Hygiene Routine
What’s better than feeling clean after a long school day of walking/biking all around campus? The answer to that obviously depends on the person, but everyone can agree that jumping in your bed at the end of the day feeling refreshed and clean is comforting. Face wash is one of the most indispensable items to Read More…
Expectation VS. Reality: Balancing Schoolwork and a Social Life in College
The transition from High School to College can be incredibly daunting. I expected to come to Madison and be so overwhelmed with schoolwork that I would rarely be able to attend social events or get involved in various organizations on campus. While I can’t sit here and tell you college will not be incredibly challenging, Read More…
Afraid of Eating Alone? Don’t Be.
Every upperclassman can remember the anxious feelings that they experienced during their first few weeks on campus. Among many things, all college students, including myself, were unsure of how to navigate the dining halls. I can still remember the thoughts consuming my mind upon entering the dining halls for the first time. Is it ok Read More…
Don’t Rush It: Why I Quit Sorority Recruitment
One of the main discussion topics towards the end of senior year was who was and was not rushing at their various upcoming schools. The general consensus among my friends was that, obviously, I would rush. Maybe it was because I used to wear a lot of Vineyard Vines and go to Starbucks every day, Read More…
Expectations Vs Reality: Balance
Like many others, I entered college with a glamorized version of how it was going to be: friends, partying, sports games, etc. I thought balancing my life would come easy to me. Finding balance meant staying in check with myself and my needs After about a week of classes I realized my priorities were flipped Read More…
Congrats on Your New Free Time
Heading into college, I was expecting 4 more years of the same high school routine, waking up at the crack of dawn and getting home just in time for dinner, exhausted. I thought the main difference in my classes would be that they were not all located in the same building. Little did I know Read More…
Expectation vs. Reality: Tips for Finding Your Community at Wisconsin
Coming from out of state, getting adjusted to a large school like UW-Madison was intimidating for me as a freshman. My expectation for college was that I’d make great friends as soon as I arrived, but in reality, I was lonely and homesick my during my first few weeks. For incoming freshmen who might relate Read More…
How to Get Involved in Madison’s Active Life-Style without being THAT Active.
When living in Lakeshore your freshman year, intentionally or unintentionally, you will quickly come to feel the very active culture of the Madison students. I guess it’s something about the lake or the trees or being a mile from campus that instigates the need to physically get up and do something. Pick-up volleyball, soccer, and Read More…
Boost Your Freshman Year Dorm Room!
You won’t believe what little thing can make your dorm room feel SO. MUCH. BIGGER. Bed Risers! Bed Risers are the best tool for creating more space in your small dorm room! They are used to elevate your bed frame to create storage space under your bed! This is perfect item to transform your space. Read More…