Getting into the university can be not only excited but also overwhelmed. It is important to have some proper relaxation from stressful study to better enjoy the university. A new opening entertainment center, Dave & Buster’s (D&B), in the West Towne Mall is a great place for both current UW-Madison students and new coming freshmen Read More…
Category: Night Life
A Little Laugh Goes a Long Way!
GET YOUR LAUGH ON! As the old adage goes, laughter is the best medicine! Lucky for UW students, there are a few options to get your giggle on close to or even on campus. So next time you’re looking for some fun to fill a night, consider taking a stroll over to the Comedy Club Read More…
Hot Spots to Hit at Night
When most people hear UW-Madison and night life in the same sentence they suddenly think of partying, a long night out at the bars are the terrible hangovers that everyone dreads. In this post I will be providing a number of activities that won’t result in a rough morning. Concerts at the Terrace A great Read More…
How not to have an awkward first night of college: A Guide
You might have met your college roommate prior coming to campus, or you might have just looked at your roommates Instagram feed over and over again. Either way… everyone is thinking the same thing- “Is the first night in our dorm going to be awkward?” Here is a survival guide on how to overcome that Read More…
A Friday Night You’ll Actually Remember
Though it is certain that at Madison the term “Night Life” usually refers to a solid amount of cheap vodka and sweat, there are many opportunities on campus to have a great time without waking up the next morning dehydrated and sick. Here is a list of activities to do that won’t result in a Read More…
Spice Up Your Nights with Food That’s to Die for!
When considering nightlife in Madison it’s easy to think about going out to a bar with friends or getting a great meal, but, these activities can often be short-lived and leave you wanting more. Why not bring the two together? Located in Madison, Wisconsin, Sur La Table offers cooking classes daily and is a great Read More…
Looking For S’more Outdoorsy Activities In Madison?
Madison is one of the most beautiful cities in the country. While it gives you the option of the exciting city nightlife, there are plenty of nature hot spots to be enjoyed. If this seems a little more up your alley, here are 4 fun outdoor activities for you to enjoy on a Saturday night Read More…
3 Reasons You Should Be at Cat Cafe Mad Right Now
You’re finally beginning to figure out where your classes are each day without using Google Maps, while subsequently learning the best routes to get to those classes while avoiding walking up Bascom. Congrats, you’re getting the hang of things around campus! As a freshman, you may be seeking fun night life activities that don’t involve Read More…
4 Alternatives to Going Out
Another long week of classes is over, and you’re more than exhausted. If you’re not in the mood to wake up even more exhausted after a night on Langdon, here are some other things to do that will likely leave you feeling more energized and refreshed in the morning. 1. Movie Night Get your floor Read More…
Add a Splash of Color to Your Nightlife
Who says there is only beer and red shirts in the Madison party scene? How about a glass of cocktail and The Starry Night to top off your evening? Don’t worry if you don’t have the painting! Create one yourself with your friends for a relaxing night at the Paint Bar. Channel your inner artist Read More…