Nutrition Today: A Fantastic Course!

Nutritional Sciences 132 (“Nutrition Today”) is a course that provides a valuable perspective on the complex world of food and nutrition. I enrolled in Nutrition Today online with Peter Anderson in Spring 2020 for 3 credits to fulfill my Biological Science requirement for L&S. I really enjoyed the content of the class: the dive into Read More…

Physics for the Creative Type

Are you not into science but need that credit? Are you more creative than analytical? Look no further than Physics 109, Physics in the Arts. Yes, Even You Can Take Physics I know, physics sounds daunting, but this class taught by professors Pupa Gilbert and Francis Halzen may make you change your mind. Exploring topics Read More…

Embracing Your Minority Status

UW-Madison is a campus that prides itself on diversity, but, sometimes it may feel as if you are always the minority. Rather it be you race, economic, or gender status that sets you apart, there are classes set in place that help you to feel comfortable with being you on campus. This blog will discuss Read More…

Harrowing and Necessary: Amer-Ind 100

Learning about other cultures is a very different type of learning than scientific understanding or acquiring technical skills. It’s a test of empathy and the ability to recognize personhood/humanity in others with their differences. And in the case of learning about Native American history, it’s a test of your capacity for second-hand grief and also the necessary development of some shame for the white people present.