1. You will discover things you never knew you were capable of. Moving away from home to Madison, Wisconsin was a BIG change for me. It wasn’t until the first morning I woke up in my freshman room dorm until I realized that I am technically an adult, living on my own. In high school, I Read More…
Author: sgoodman5
2 Tips for Keeping your Dorm Room & Your Life Organized
It only took one month before my freshman year dorm was a cluttered disaster. From syllabus week to midterms, the last thing you want to worry about is dealing with overflowing hampers, mismatching socks, and dirty sheets. The secret to preventing a messy dorm room is to get a head start and create clean habits Read More…
Why Taking a Financial Life Skills Course Helped Me Survive Freshman Year
Being young adults, we all have seen – in one way or another – how the lack of personal finance education can lead to everyday struggles and/or life long obstacles. Taking Consumer Science 111: Financial Life Skills for Undergraduates can not only help take away the stressful thoughts that come along with money, but also Read More…