When you start college, no matter where you are, it is a whole new experience. You are on your own, no parents and living in a shoebox of a room. Yet despite dorm life, you have a different type of freedom you probably have never had before. With this spare time and the ability to Read More…
Author: epucel
All Charged Up and Ready To Go
Picture this. You are in your dorm room, snuggled up in the perfect position on your single bed. You are on your smartphone responding to Snapchats and scrolling through Instagram when the most dreaded message pops up on your smartphone, interrupting your leisurely scroll on social media… “LOW BATTERY” “20% of battery remaining” All you Read More…
Lights, Camera, Action
Coming home after a long semester of class, gamedays, and the freezing cold, all I want to do is a binge of the Oscar-nominated movies. I have and will forever always be a movie lover at heart. Ever since I was a child going to the movies and streaming new films have been something of Read More…