One thing I wish I could tell my younger self is to not be in such a hurry to move on into the real world, and take more time to enjoy the journey. When I started college I was so accustomed to always being on the move and going from one thing to the next. Read More…
Author: bbchang3
5 Reasons Why I Wish I Still Lived in a Dorm
Looking back on my dorm life nearly 30 years ago, I had no idea how good I had it. When you’re 18 years old living in a dorm might seem a little hokey, but here are some of reasons why I wish I still lived in one today: Cafeteria – I mean I am a Read More…
Like Movies? Then you need to take Com Arts 350
I have to admit I was a little skeptical to take this class because of the title. “Introduction to Film” seemed so broad to me but this was the first class I signed up for after declaring my Com Arts major and I don’t regret it nearly three decades later! From the moment I walked Read More…