Coming into freshman year at UW, you are bound to feel some jitters as well as excitement. One big thing someone told me at the beginning of this semester is don’t be afraid to be awkward. When you first arrive, prepare for some awkwardness, talk to as many people as you can because down the Read More…
Author: akrasniansky
Student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Ease your way into the next 4 years!
Post high school most people are committed to a university. This was not the case for me, I felt lost, unsure and confused about what my next step in life would be. An opportunity arose: The transfer program. This allows students the chance to save money while transferring directly to UW-Madison from any MATC assuming Read More…
Calling All Incoming Badgers!!!
While entering your first semester at UW-Madison it is always hard to make a decision on which classes to take. Throughout history, and currently, the black community in the United States has been facing forms of individual, systemic, and institutionalized racism for the past 400 years. As the University of Wisconsin-Madison has had an issue Read More…