It’s your first day at college, you carefully unpack all of the things that was on the “Bed, Bath, and Beyond” shopping list that your Mom insisted that you buy and watch your parents drive off into the sunset. For some, this is a sad day or a whole new chance at freedom.
But truly, this is the first time for many to begin their adult life. I recommend jumping in head first, and exploring what college has to offer.
One of the biggest parts of “adulting” is figuring out what kind of adult you want to be. What is it that you want to do? What life do you want to need? And while you won’t (and shouldn’t) have the answers to these questions right away, you should take this time to explore what makes you happy and what makes you excited for the future.
A great way to do this is by finding an internship or a job that interests you, joining a club focused on something you’d like to learn more about, or taking classes in areas that excite you. You don’t necessarily need to have all of the answers for what you would like to major in or what job you’d like to have immediately, but taking these steps can be a big help to find them.
Quite honestly, the best part of being an adult is that you can be whatever kind of adult you want to be. It is completely your choice, and it’s an exciting one to make.