Living in Madison provides a multitude of opportunities to enjoy nature. From paddleboarding on Lake Mendota to hitting the slopes, Badgers are some of the most adventurous college students around. Wisconsin Hoofers allows students to make friends and get active while enjoying each season in beautiful Madison through their 6 clubs.
1. Mountaineering
No matter if you’ve summitted Kilimanjaro or you’re a climbing rookie, Mountaineering offers free lessons to anyone who wants to learn how to boulder or improve their skills. A variety of climbing gear is also available for check out to all members.
2. Ski & Snowboard
The club offers free transportation and discounted lift tickets every week to nearby ski hill Tyrol Basin and even hosts the biggest equipment resale in the Midwest.
3. Riding
With their new stable, Hoofers Riding Club hosts free lessons for all members so anybody can learn to ride. They also have a traveling Equestrian team for anyone looking to get competitive!
4. Hoofers Sailing
Sailing lessons are available for novices or experts on their top of the line tech boats, but they fill up fast! The Commodore’s Cup in the summer draws Hoofers alumni from all over to sail in the iconic race.
Always wanted to learn how to dive? Hoofers SCUBA offers a certification course at a much cheaper price than other sources and a community to dive with.
6. Outing
The last Hoofers Club is an outdoor catch-all – kayaking, hiking, camping, you name it! If you’re just looking to get outside with some pals, Outing is the club for you.
For information on how to get involved, visit