Everyone knows that the transition from high school to your first semester of college can be an incredibly scary time. Meeting new people and being social can be tricky when everything feels so unfamiliar. These five tips can help make that transition a little smoother and a little less awkward.
- Leave your door open: People will feel much more comfortable coming to talk to you (and vise versa) if they can see you in your room, and can walk in to hang out!
- Keep an eye out for welcome week activities: The best part about being in a freshman dorm, is that everyone’s a freshman! And with that comes the right to attend cheesy, ice breaking, welcome week events! Great for learning names, and getting to know people better.
- Walk your schedules together: New campuses can seem big, crowed, and confusing, but walking your classes, with someone on your floor ahead of time can lessen the stress for both of you!
- Keep an open mind about people: People like to re-invent themselves in college, so be sure to give everyone a fair chance when making friends!
- Try a new Hobby: Intramural sports, clubs, and on-campus jobs are all a great way to expand your horizon, and to get involved on campus! It’s also a great distraction from all that studying!
College is new and big and a little intimidating, but by following some of these tips, the experience can be a lot less awkward, and a lot more exciting.