3 Tips to Make Your College Experience The BEST!

As an incoming freshman myself, I found it very hard to make friends myself as we were still in the middle of a global pandemic. But as the months went on, I found my way in a huge school like UW-Madison. To make my college experience what it ended up being, I had to put myself out there while sometimes uncomfortable, very worth it. Here are some things that YOU can do to make your college experience AMAZING:

  1. Leave your door open during move in

I didn’t personally have the option to do this, but my younger friends did and met their best friends! During move in week and the first few weeks of classes, leave your dorm room door open for people to pop in and say hello to introduce themselves! I would do the same to other people that have their doors open, it is a really good chance to meet people to get dinner with at the dining hall to not feel as lonely in your first few weeks at a brand new school!

2. Go to all your classes and explore new buildings

Although it may be obvious, it is super important to attend all your classes within your first semester here! It is just another way to branch out and meet new people when you first start here. Going to class also allows you to see new buildings that you may never have class in again. It is a good chance to explore more of campus and explore new study places!

3. Go to the Org Fair

I HIGHLY recommend going to the campus organization and club fair at the beginning of the semester. It is a really good way to get involved in clubs and organizations that you may be interested in. https://cfli.wisc.edu/attending-the-student-organization-fair/

Below is a picture from the Kohl Center, where the Org Fair is hosted each fall. Students swarm the halls trying to sign up for as many clubs as they can to try out so many new things.

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