As an incoming student you will spend more time than you think in your dorm room. It is important to keep this space as healthy as you can. I believe that one think every college student living on campus needs is a small humidifier.
Here is why!
- Your Skin and Lips Rely on It
- Problem: Majority of your time spent at school will happen during the winter months. This is when the air is the driest. Dry air can cause cracked lips and skin irritation.
- Solution: A humidifier can naturally rehydrate your skin.
- Check-In with Your Breathing
- Problem: Just breathe. Pay attention to how it feels. Low humidity can cause discomfort for the nose results in headaches and bloody noses.
- Solution: A humidifier can help clear out your sinuses and decrease your chances of getting a bloody nose.
- Tackle the Freshmen Flu
- Problem: Living in such a close environment with other people means that you will get sick at least once during the year.
- Solution: A humidifier can help ease symptoms of sickness. This does include stuffy-noses, sore throats, and coughs. Don’t forget to also wash your hands.

I had a humidifier in my room all four years of college. It is my go-to necessity if I were to ever go back. Check out this article and don’t forget your humidifier!
Works Cited
Flowers, J. (2018, March 9). 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Use a Humidifier. Retrieved from CA: