Ever heard of Patagonia? No, not the brand… the location! Close your eyes and imagine a place with every type of climate and landform possible, whether it be an icy, mountainous region of glaciers and penguins, or miles of grasslands with llamas and waterfalls. Patagonia, a region on the southernmost tip of South America, has Read More…
Month: June 2019
Didn’t feel a vibration? Keep it in your pocket!
We all have them, those dang smartphones. One of the most versatile tools and we have them at our fingertips almost all day. You’ll see people taking pictures of their food, taking selfies by the lake, or scrolling through Facebook almost at all times, especially in the most awkward year; freshman year. It becomes a Read More…
Overwhelmed? Make adulting manageable with a to-do system
When it comes to organization, we’ve all been told, “make a to-do list,” and you probably follow that advice to some extent. But when life gets more complicated (the struggle of “adulting”), this simple advice falls short, raising questions like: How do you easily keep track of repeated tasks, and avoid forgetting things that you’ll Read More…
3 Adulting Life Hacks For College Freshman
Transitioning from a teen living with your parents, to an “adult” living on your own is a bigger change than people think. There are many things you need to learn about living on your own that no one actually mentions. Here are some adulting life hacks that can help you as you start your first Read More…
WALK IT OUT! 3 Reasons Why You NEED to Walk Everywhere on Campus…
The size of the UW-Madison campus may seem intimidating at first, but I can promise you’ll get the hang of it in no time. It may seem basic, but I can guarantee that your college experience will be better if you take advantage of the beautiful campus you’re living on and WALK! Walking can help Read More…
What to do With a Month Off for Winter Break? Ski for Cheap
One of the many luxuries of college is that winter break is nearly a full month long. All of the time may be overwhelming, but if you use it to your advantage there’s no reason that it can’t be one of the most memorable breaks and vacations that you have. And if you enjoy the Read More…
Three Ways to Save Money like an Adult
Now that you’re in college, you’ve got to act more like an adult. And as hard at is it, part of being an adult is saving money. As college student, there are a lot of expenses to be paid – food, books, sports, and living are just a few of them. After my freshman year, Read More…
Watching Sports it is What You Need to Relax
After studying for midterms or finals or even a big test you need something to relax. I have the perfect way for you to relax Hulu live sports. You can get it on your computer and you can watch it with your friends. Everybody has a favorite sports team that you have routed for most Read More…
Lifelong Friends.
I was recruited by Wisconsin for hockey my sophomore year of high school. When you’re 16 years old, it’s pretty crazy to make a big life decision like that. I grew up with a solid group of friends and teammates back home. We all had known each other for as long as I could even Read More…
Two Reasons Why Accepting Change & Open-Mindedness Lead To A Great Adulthood
1. You will discover things you never knew you were capable of. Moving away from home to Madison, Wisconsin was a BIG change for me. It wasn’t until the first morning I woke up in my freshman room dorm until I realized that I am technically an adult, living on my own. In high school, I Read More…