Trade in Snow for Sand

  Escape the brutal Wisconsin winters and go to Fort Lauderdale this spring break where the average temperature is in the mid-seventies. Not only is the weather perfect, but Fort Lauderdale has a lot of affordable options, making it the ideal spot for a freshman in college. Photo Courtesy of Visit Fort Lauderdale You’re guaranteed to Read More…

Better than Beaches and Bikinis

Spring/winter break in college is usually not a break (for your liver at least). While most 18-22 year-olds spend their week-long vacay in a tropical paradise with their besties, sipping a fruity cocktail (or 12) this break alternative will stimulate a different organ- the brain. Now I know it doesn’t seem like the most exciting Read More…

How to utilize your dorm kitchen

You’ve hit that time in which you are sick of the dinning hall’s food. Weather you don’t like it’s regularity or the taste, have no fear! Every UW dorm has a kitchen. Some dorms like Dejope have a kitchen on every floor while most of the South East dorms only have kitchens in the basement. Read More…

Freshman Year Nightlife 101

Freshman nightlife is some of the best. Everything is new, exciting, and a discovery! Below are 11 ways to make the most memories and friends you can along your journey. Well that and get some of the best late night bites! 1) Attend a sporting event! Year-round UW-Madison has sporting events going on at the Read More…

He Was a (Ice) Sk8r Boi

Although Wisconsin does get hot summers and nice weather in the warmer months, most of the year is spent in a perpetual, freezing cold winter. During those months, it’s hard to find something to do that actually makes you want to leave the warmth of the indoors. However, ice skating is a great way to Read More…