You’re studying for upcoming exams and need a study break. What to do, what to do. Now I know many of you may not agree with me, but hear me out. Go for a run. Yes, a run. As in, physical labor, exercise, “punishment” as some may call it. I’m not saying you have to go run a marathon or sprint laps around the NAT, just go for a relaxing jog around campus!
Why? There is a tremendous amount of research that running releases serotonin and endorphins into your body. So after being drained from studying for exams, going for a run can really help to boost your mood. Not only that, but you will be able to be outside and enjoying the wonderous nature of downtown Madison.
Even better, get a group of people together to run! This will ensure you are getting the social necessities in that all humans need, as well as boosting your mood. You don’t even have to run the whole time! Run for a mile, then walk for a while while catching your breath and enjoying the sunshine. If running isn’t your thing, you could supplement for other workouts as well. Even just going for a walk with your friends could be the break you need to keep your sanity during exam season.

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