If You Don’t Know What You Want To Do With Your Life, Take This Class

Figuring out what to dedicate your academic life to is terrifying. Personally, entering college with a wishy-washy “UNDECIDED” major felt embarrassing. I refused to admit to myself that I had no passion to pursue, and silently yearned to find a major that made me want to sacrifice my Thursday nights to study.

For months, the phrase “I don’t know what I love enough to study for the rest of my life” bounced around my head, leaving me hopeless.

If utter uncertainty (major wise) feels too familiar, then I encourage you to take an eye-opening “career class” I stumbled upon by blessed coincidence: INTER-LS 210. The one credit class, available Fall 2020, is an interdisciplinary Letters & Science course with 20 people, led by Greg Downy and TAs. In summary, INTER-LS 210 encourages you to explore different career paths, be proactive about networking, and prepares you to enter the work force.

My beloved career class will help you focus on YOU: on your academic passions, strengths, and interests. This class will provide you with the tools necessary to stand out in whatever field you end up in, and will give you a supportive–and resource packed–environment to explore your future major, academic, professional, and career options.

Although I didn’t uncover academic secrets about myself in this course, I was able to explore career communities I didn’t know existed, and as a result, I have fallen in love with communication.

So, for your own sake, seek out resources! Explore! Don’t underestimate your capabilities. You are not alone in your college journey–and INTER-LS 210 is the perfect way to get curious about your professional future.

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