Gym Closed? No Problem!

As we are spending more time indoors and less time outside, it is especially vital to devote some time in your day to stay active! There are numerous health benefits to working out, as the endorphins released can boost your mood, help manage anxiety, and reduce stress levels. As we are in lockdown, this is more important now than ever! 

Here are some ways to stay active while at home:

  1. Try a fitness challenge. What better time to complete a fitness challenge than while you’re stuck at home? Find an online challenge that targets your goals. 
  2. Free home workout apps. The easiest way to stick to a workout routine at home is merely downloading a fitness app that allows you to go at your own pace with pre-recorded videos. 
  3. Follow along with your studios. Lots of studios are currently offering virtual/live classes with little/no equipment necessary. This is a great way to connect with your community and get a great workout in! 
  4. Go on a walk or run outside! Getting fresh air allows you to connect with nature and clear your head. As we are spending so much time on our phones and computers nowadays, exercising outside will keep you from going stir crazy!

These are all some ways you can get your workout on while in quarantine, but there are so many other ways to stay fit at home. As long as you are doing some form of exercise, you are going to feel so much better and maintain your overall health and stress levels. We’re in this together! 

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